What is the DaSCH Service Platform Application?
The DaSCH Service Platform Application (DSP-APP) brings your data to life and keeps it alive in the long run: it is DaSCH’s generic web-application to present your data. At the same time it lets you edit, delete and enrich your data, even after it has been archived. DSP-APP also enables you to create your project on our tool from the outset, saving you considerable effort toward the end of the lifetime of your project since tasks such as data cleaning and data migration can be omitted.

Create a data model using the visual editor
The visual editor of DSP-APP allows you to create flexible and customizable data models through its simple user interface.
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You can also easily compare multiple records and work on them simultaneously.
Compare resources

Data can be linked within a project or with external data, thus connecting different resources with various types of information. You can also link another resource inside an annotation.
Link and annotate data

You can make your search more open or specific based on your needs, as a search term or expression can be searched within one or multiple projects stored in DaSCH.
Search within one or several projects

The image viewer allows you to work on images in detail by highlighting specific regions and adding information to them in the form of annotation. The label of the region is searchable and thus easily reusable.
Visualize images and annotate regions
We accept a variety of file formats that are suitable for long-term preservation, enabling different types of projects with different needs to work with DSP-APP.
Handle different types of files, e.g. image, video, audio, document or text