Short Description
The Vitrocentre Romont was set up in 1988. Its core tasks lie in researching the art history, conservation and technology of stained glass, reverse painting on glass and other glass arts. The Vitrocentre Romont project entails a specialized database on glass art, destined for art historians, the scientific community and interested members of the public. The data involves research from the Corpus Vitrearum projects and the description of artworks, including archival documentation and graphic works that are kept in the Vitromusée Romont, the partner institution of the Vitrocentre Romont.
The database is continuously updated and expanded with newly edited works of glass art.
We are working on making the data available on our user friendly DSP-APP. Thank you for your patience.
Encyclopedia, Art, History, Images
Encyclopedia, Art, History, Images
Vitrocentre (Vitrails)